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- /*
- (c) Copyright Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya, 1984. All rights reserved.
- Copying of this file is authorized to users who have executed the true and
- proper "License Agreement for Kyoto Common LISP" with SIGLISP.
- */
- /*
- array.c
- array routines
- */
- #include "include.h"
- #define ADIMLIM 16*1024*1024
- #define ATOTLIM 16*1024*1024
- enum aelttype
- get_aelttype(x)
- object x;
- {
- if (x == Sstring_char)
- return(aet_ch);
- else if (x == Sbit)
- return(aet_bit);
- else if (x == Sfixnum)
- return(aet_fix);
- else if (x == Sshort_float)
- return(aet_sf);
- else if (x == Slong_float)
- return(aet_lf);
- else
- return(aet_object);
- }
- enum aelttype
- array_elttype(x)
- object x;
- {
- switch(type_of(x)) {
- case t_array:
- case t_vector:
- return((enum aelttype)x->a.a_elttype);
- case t_string:
- return(aet_ch);
- case t_bitvector:
- return(aet_bit);
- default:
- FEwrong_type_argument(Sarray, x);
- }
- }
- char *
- array_address(x, inc)
- object x;
- int inc;
- {
- switch(array_elttype(x)) {
- case aet_object:
- case aet_fix:
- case aet_sf:
- return((char *)(x->a.a_self + inc));
- case aet_ch:
- return(x->st.st_self + inc);
- case aet_lf:
- return((char *)(x->lfa.lfa_self + inc));
- }
- }
- array_allocself(x, staticp)
- object x;
- bool staticp;
- {
- int i, d;
- char *(*f)();
- d = x->a.a_dim;
- if (staticp)
- f = alloc_contblock;
- else
- f = alloc_relblock;
- switch (array_elttype(x)) {
- case aet_object:
- x->a.a_self = (object *)(*f)(sizeof(object)*d);
- for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
- x->a.a_self[i] = Cnil;
- break;
- case aet_ch:
- x->st.st_self = (*f)(d);
- for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
- x->st.st_self[i] = ' ';
- break;
- case aet_bit:
- d = (d+7)/8;
- x->bv.bv_self = (*f)(d);
- for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
- x->bv.bv_self[i] = '\0';
- x->bv.bv_offset = 0;
- break;
- case aet_fix:
- x->fixa.fixa_self = (fixnum *)(*f)(sizeof(fixnum)*d);
- for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
- x->fixa.fixa_self[i] = 0;
- break;
- case aet_sf:
- x->sfa.sfa_self = (shortfloat *)(*f)(sizeof(shortfloat)*d);
- for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
- x->sfa.sfa_self[i] = 0.0;
- break;
- case aet_lf:
- x->lfa.lfa_self = (longfloat *)(*f)(sizeof(longfloat)*d);
- for (i = 0; i < d; i++)
- x->lfa.lfa_self[i] = 0.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- object
- aref(x, index)
- object x;
- int index;
- {
- if (index >= x->a.a_dim) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(index));
- FEerror("The index, ~D, is too large.", 1, vs_head);
- }
- switch (array_elttype(x)) {
- case aet_object:
- return(x->a.a_self[index]);
- case aet_ch:
- return(code_char(x->ust.ust_self[index]));
- case aet_bit:
- index += x->bv.bv_offset;
- if (x->bv.bv_self[index/8] & (0200>>index%8))
- return(small_fixnum(1));
- else
- return(small_fixnum(0));
- case aet_fix:
- return(make_fixnum(x->fixa.fixa_self[index]));
- case aet_sf:
- return(make_shortfloat(x->sfa.sfa_self[index]));
- case aet_lf:
- return(make_longfloat(x->lfa.lfa_self[index]));
- }
- }
- object
- aset(x, index, value)
- object x;
- int index;
- object value;
- {
- int i;
- if (index >= x->a.a_dim) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(index));
- FEerror("The index, ~D, too large.", 1, vs_head);
- }
- switch (array_elttype(x)) {
- case aet_object:
- x->a.a_self[index] = value;
- break;
- case aet_ch:
- if (type_of(value) != t_character)
- FEerror("~S is not a character.", 1, value);
- x->st.st_self[index] = value->ch.ch_code;
- break;
- case aet_bit:
- i = fixint(value);
- if (i != 0 && i != 1)
- FEerror("~S is not a bit.", 1, value);
- index += x->bv.bv_offset;
- if (i == 0)
- x->bv.bv_self[index/8] &= ~(0200>>index%8);
- else
- x->bv.bv_self[index/8] |= 0200>>index%8;
- break;
- case aet_fix:
- x->fixa.fixa_self[index] = fixint(value);
- break;
- case aet_sf:
- x->sfa.sfa_self[index] = object_to_double(value);
- break;
- case aet_lf:
- x->lfa.lfa_self[index] = object_to_double(value);
- break;
- }
- return(value);
- }
- object
- aref1(v, index)
- object v;
- int index;
- {
- int i;
- object l;
- if (index < 0) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(index));
- FEerror("Negative index: ~D.", 1, vs_head);
- }
- switch (type_of(v)) {
- case t_vector:
- case t_bitvector:
- return(aref(v, index));
- case t_string:
- if (index >= v->st.st_dim)
- goto E;
- return(code_char(v->ust.ust_self[index]));
- default:
- FEerror("~S is not a vector.", 1, v);
- }
- E:
- vs_push(make_fixnum(index));
- FEerror("The index, ~D, is too large.", 1, vs_head);
- }
- object
- aset1(v, index, val)
- object v;
- int index;
- object val;
- {
- int i;
- object l;
- if (index < 0) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(index));
- FEerror("Negative index: ~D.", 1, vs_head);
- }
- switch (type_of(v)) {
- case t_vector:
- case t_bitvector:
- return(aset(v, index, val));
- case t_string:
- if (index >= v->st.st_dim)
- goto E;
- if (type_of(val) != t_character)
- FEerror("~S is not a character.", 1, val);
- v->st.st_self[index] = val->ch.ch_code;
- return(val);
- default:
- FEerror("~S is not a vector.", 1, v);
- }
- E:
- vs_push(make_fixnum(index));
- FEerror("The index, ~D, is too large", 1, vs_head);
- }
- /*
- Displace(from, to, offset) displaces the from-array
- to the to-array (the original array) by the specified offset.
- It changes the a_displaced field of both arrays.
- The field is a cons; the car of the from-array points to
- the to-array and the cdr of the to-array is a list of arrays
- displaced to the to-array, so the from-array is pushed to the
- cdr of the to-array's a_displaced.
- */
- displace(from, to, offset)
- object from, to, offset;
- {
- int j;
- enum aelttype totype, fromtype;
- j = fixnnint(offset);
- totype = array_elttype(to);
- fromtype = array_elttype(from);
- if (totype != fromtype)
- FEerror("Cannot displace the array,~%\
- because the element types don't match.", 0);
- if (j + from->a.a_dim > to->a.a_dim)
- FEerror("Cannot displace the array,~%\
- because the total size of the to-array is too small.", 0);
- from->a.a_displaced = make_cons(to, Cnil);
- if (to->a.a_displaced == Cnil)
- to->a.a_displaced = make_cons(Cnil, Cnil);
- to->a.a_displaced->c.c_cdr =
- make_cons(from, to->a.a_displaced->c.c_cdr);
- if (fromtype == aet_bit) {
- j += to->bv.bv_offset;
- from->bv.bv_self = to->bv.bv_self + j/8;
- from->bv.bv_offset = j%8;
- }
- #ifdef MV
- #endif
- else
- from->st.st_self = array_address(to, j);
- }
- /*
- Undisplace(from) destroys the displacement from the from-array.
- */
- undisplace(from)
- object from;
- {
- object *p;
- object to = from->a.a_displaced->c.c_car;
- if (to == Cnil)
- return;
- from->a.a_displaced->c.c_car = Cnil;
- for (p = &(to->a.a_displaced->c.c_cdr);; p = &((*p)->c.c_cdr))
- if ((*p)->c.c_car == from) {
- *p = (*p)->c.c_cdr;
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- Check_displaced(dlist, orig, newdim) checks if the displaced
- arrays can keep the displacement when the original array is
- adjusted.
- Dlist is the list of displaced arrays, orig is the original array
- and newdim is the new dimension of the original array.
- */
- check_displaced(dlist, orig, newdim)
- object dlist, orig;
- int newdim;
- {
- object x;
- for (; dlist != Cnil; dlist = dlist->c.c_cdr) {
- x = dlist->c.c_car;
- if (x->a.a_self == NULL)
- continue;
- if (array_elttype(x) != aet_bit) {
- if (array_address(x, x->a.a_dim) >
- array_address(orig, newdim))
- FEerror("Can't keep displacement.", 0);
- } else {
- if ((x->bv.bv_self - orig->bv.bv_self)*8 +
- x->bv.bv_dim - newdim +
- x->bv.bv_offset - orig->bv.bv_offset > 0)
- FEerror("Can't keep displacement.", 0);
- }
- check_displaced(x->a.a_displaced->c.c_cdr, orig, newdim);
- }
- }
- /*
- Adjust_displaced(x, diff) adds the int value diff
- to the a_self field of the array x and all the arrays displaced to x.
- This function is used in siLreplace_array (ADJUST-ARRAY) and
- the garbage collector.
- */
- adjust_displaced(x, diff)
- object x;
- int diff;
- {
- if (x->a.a_self != NULL)
- x->a.a_self = (object *)((int)(x->a.a_self) + diff);
- for (x = x->a.a_displaced->c.c_cdr; x != Cnil; x = x->c.c_cdr)
- adjust_displaced(x->c.c_car, diff);
- }
- setup_fillp(x, fillp)
- object x, fillp;
- {
- int j;
- if (fillp == Cnil) {
- x->v.v_hasfillp = FALSE;
- x->v.v_fillp = x->v.v_dim;
- } else if (fillp == Ct) {
- x->v.v_hasfillp = TRUE;
- x->v.v_fillp = x->v.v_dim;
- } else if ((j = fixnnint(fillp)) > x->v.v_dim)
- FEerror("The fill-pointer ~S is too large.", 1, fillp);
- else {
- x->v.v_hasfillp = TRUE;
- x->v.v_fillp = j;
- }
- }
- /*
- Internal function for making arrays:
- (si:make-pure-array element-type adjustable
- displaced-to displaced-index-offset
- static
- dim0 dim1 ... )
- */
- siLmake_pure_array()
- {
- int r, s, i, j;
- object x;
- r = vs_top - vs_base - 5;
- if (r < 0)
- too_few_arguments();
- x = alloc_object(t_array);
- x->a.a_self = NULL;
- x->a.a_displaced = Cnil;
- x->a.a_rank = r;
- x->a.a_dims = NULL;
- x->a.a_elttype = (short)get_aelttype(vs_base[0]);
- vs_base[0] = x;
- x->a.a_dims = (int *)alloc_relblock(sizeof(int)*r);
- if (r >= ARANKLIM) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(r));
- FEerror("The array rank, ~R, is too large.", 1, vs_head);
- }
- for (i = 0, s = 1; i < r; i++) {
- if ((j = fixnnint(vs_base[i+5])) > ADIMLIM) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(i+1));
- FEerror("The ~:R array dimension, ~D, is too large.",
- 2, vs_head, vs_base[i+5]);
- }
- s *= (x->a.a_dims[i] = j);
- }
- if (s > ATOTLIM) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(s));
- FEerror("The array total size, ~D, is too large.",
- 1, vs_head);
- }
- x->a.a_dim = s;
- x->a.a_adjustable = vs_base[1] != Cnil;
- if (vs_base[2] == Cnil)
- array_allocself(x, vs_base[4] != Cnil);
- else
- displace(x, vs_base[2], vs_base[3]);
- vs_top = vs_base + 1;
- }
- /*
- Internal function for making vectors:
- (si:make-vector element-type dimension adjustable fill-pointer
- displaced-to displaced-index-offset
- static)
- */
- siLmake_vector()
- {
- int d, i, j;
- object x;
- enum aelttype aet;
- check_arg(7);
- aet = get_aelttype(vs_base[0]);
- if ((d = fixnnint(vs_base[1])) > ADIMLIM)
- FEerror("The vector dimension, ~D, is too large.",
- 1, vs_base[1]);
- if (aet == aet_ch)
- x = alloc_object(t_string);
- else if (aet == aet_bit)
- x = alloc_object(t_bitvector);
- else
- x = alloc_object(t_vector);
- x->v.v_self = NULL;
- x->v.v_displaced = Cnil;
- x->v.v_dim = d;
- x->v.v_adjustable = vs_base[2] != Cnil;
- if (aet != aet_ch && aet != aet_bit)
- x->v.v_elttype = (short)aet;
- vs_base[0] = x;
- setup_fillp(x, vs_base[3]);
- if (vs_base[4] == Cnil)
- array_allocself(x, vs_base[6] != Cnil);
- else
- displace(x, vs_base[4], vs_base[5]);
- vs_top = vs_base + 1;
- }
- Laref()
- {
- int r, s, i, j;
- object x;
- r = vs_top - vs_base - 1;
- if (r < 0)
- too_few_arguments();
- x = vs_base[0];
- switch (type_of(x)) {
- case t_array:
- if (r != x->a.a_rank)
- FEerror("Wrong number of indices.", 0);
- for (i = j = 0; i < r; i++) {
- if ((s = fixnnint(vs_base[i+1])) >= x->a.a_dims[i]) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(i+1));
- FEerror("The ~:R index, ~S, to the array~%\
- ~S is too large.", 3, vs_head, vs_base[i+1], x);
- }
- j = j*(x->a.a_dims[i]) + s;
- }
- break;
- case t_vector:
- case t_string:
- case t_bitvector:
- if (r != 1)
- FEerror("Wrong number of indices.", 0);
- j = fixnnint(vs_base[1]);
- if (j >= x->v.v_dim) {
- FEerror("The first index, ~S, to the array~%\
- ~S is too large.", 2, vs_base[1], x);
- }
- break;
- default:
- FEwrong_type_argument(Sarray, x);
- }
- vs_base[0] = aref(x, j);
- vs_top = vs_base + 1;
- }
- /*
- Internal function for setting array elements:
- (si:aset array dim0 dim1 ... newvalue)
- */
- siLaset()
- {
- int r, s, i, j;
- object x;
- r = vs_top - vs_base - 2;
- if (r < 0)
- too_few_arguments();
- x = vs_base[0];
- switch (type_of(x)) {
- case t_array:
- if (r != x->a.a_rank)
- FEerror("Wrong number of indices.", 0);
- for (i = j = 0; i < r; i++) {
- if ((s = fixnnint(vs_base[i+1])) >= x->a.a_dims[i]) {
- vs_push(make_fixnum(i+1));
- FEerror("The ~:R index, ~S, to the array~%\
- ~S is too large.", 3, vs_head, vs_base[i+1], x);
- }
- j = j*(x->a.a_dims[i]) + s;
- }
- break;
- case t_vector:
- case t_string:
- case t_bitvector:
- if (r != 1)
- FEerror("Wrong number of indices.", 0);
- j = fixnnint(vs_base[1]);
- if (j >= x->v.v_dim) {
- FEerror("The first index, ~S, to the array~%\
- ~S is too large.", 2, vs_base[1], x);
- }
- break;
- default:
- FEwrong_type_argument(Sarray, x);
- }
- aset(x, j, vs_base[r+1]);
- vs_base[0] = vs_base[r+1];
- vs_top = vs_base + 1;
- }
- Larray_element_type()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- switch (array_elttype(vs_base[0])) {
- case aet_object:
- vs_base[0] = Ct;
- break;
- case aet_ch:
- vs_base[0] = Sstring_char;
- break;
- case aet_bit:
- vs_base[0] = Sbit;
- break;
- case aet_fix:
- vs_base[0] = Sfixnum;
- break;
- case aet_sf:
- vs_base[0] = Sshort_float;
- break;
- case aet_lf:
- vs_base[0] = Slong_float;
- break;
- }
- }
- Larray_rank()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- check_type_array(&vs_base[0]);
- if (type_of(vs_base[0]) == t_array)
- vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->a.a_rank);
- else
- vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(1);
- }
- Larray_dimension()
- {
- int i;
- check_arg(2);
- check_type_array(&vs_base[0]);
- i = fixnnint(vs_base[1]);
- if (type_of(vs_base[0]) == t_array) {
- if (i >= vs_base[0]->a.a_rank)
- goto ILLEGAL;
- vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->a.a_dims[i]);
- } else {
- if (i != 0)
- goto ILLEGAL;
- vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->v.v_dim);
- }
- vs_top = vs_base + 1;
- return;
- FEerror("~S is an illegal axis-number to the array~%\
- ~S.", 2, vs_base[1], vs_base[0]);
- }
- Larray_total_size()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- check_type_array(&vs_base[0]);
- vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->a.a_dim);
- }
- Ladjustable_array_p()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- check_type_array(&vs_base[0]);
- if (vs_base[0]->a.a_adjustable)
- vs_base[0] = Ct;
- else
- vs_base[0] = Cnil;
- }
- /*
- Internal function for checking if an array is displaced.
- */
- siLdisplaced_array_p()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- check_type_array(&vs_base[0]);
- if (vs_base[0]->a.a_displaced->c.c_car != Cnil)
- vs_base[0] = Ct;
- else
- vs_base[0] = Cnil;
- }
- Lsvref()
- {
- int i;
- object x;
- check_arg(2);
- x = vs_base[0];
- if (type_of(x) != t_vector ||
- x->v.v_adjustable ||
- x->v.v_hasfillp ||
- x->v.v_displaced->c.c_car != Cnil ||
- (enum aelttype)x->v.v_elttype != aet_object)
- FEerror("~S is not a simple general vector.", 1, x);
- if ((i = fix(vs_base[1])) >= x->v.v_dim)
- illegal_index(x, vs_base[1]);
- vs_base[0] = x->v.v_self[i];
- vs_pop;
- }
- siLsvset()
- {
- int i;
- object x;
- check_arg(3);
- x = vs_base[0];
- if (type_of(x) != t_vector ||
- x->v.v_adjustable ||
- x->v.v_hasfillp ||
- x->v.v_displaced->c.c_car != Cnil ||
- (enum aelttype)x->v.v_elttype != aet_object)
- FEerror("~S is not a simple general vector.", 1, x);
- if ((i = fixnnint(vs_base[1])) >= x->v.v_dim)
- illegal_index(x, vs_base[1]);
- vs_base[0] = x->v.v_self[i] = vs_base[2];
- vs_pop;
- vs_pop;
- }
- Larray_has_fill_pointer_p()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- check_type_array(&vs_base[0]);
- if (type_of(vs_base[0]) == t_array)
- vs_base[0] = Cnil;
- else if (vs_base[0]->v.v_hasfillp)
- vs_base[0] = Ct;
- else
- vs_base[0] = Cnil;
- }
- Lfill_pointer()
- {
- check_arg(1);
- check_type_vector(&vs_base[0]);
- if (vs_base[0]->v.v_hasfillp)
- vs_base[0] = make_fixnum(vs_base[0]->v.v_fillp);
- else
- FEerror("The vector ~S has no fill pointer.", 1, vs_base[0]);
- }
- /*
- Internal function for setting fill pointer.
- */
- siLfill_pointer_set()
- {
- int i;
- check_arg(2);
- check_type_vector(&vs_base[0]);
- i = fixnnint(vs_base[1]);
- if (vs_base[0]->v.v_hasfillp)
- if (i > vs_base[0]->v.v_dim)
- FEerror("The fill-pointer ~S is too large",
- 1, vs_base[0]);
- else
- vs_base[0]->v.v_fillp = i;
- else
- FEerror("The vector ~S has no fill pointer.",
- 1, vs_base[0]);
- vs_base[0] = vs_base[1];
- vs_top = vs_base + 1;
- }
- /*
- Internal function for replacing the contents of arrays:
- (si:replace-array old-array new-array).
- */
- siLreplace_array()
- {
- object old, new, displaced, dlist;
- int diff;
- check_arg(2);
- old = vs_base[0];
- new = vs_base[1];
- if (type_of(old) != type_of(new))
- goto CANNOT;
- if (type_of(old) == t_array && old->a.a_rank != new->a.a_rank)
- goto CANNOT;
- if (!old->a.a_adjustable)
- FEerror("~S is not adjustable.", 1, old);
- diff = (int)(new->a.a_self) - (int)(old->a.a_self);
- dlist = old->a.a_displaced->c.c_cdr;
- displaced = make_cons(new->a.a_displaced->c.c_car, dlist);
- vs_push(displaced);
- check_displaced(dlist, old, new->a.a_dim);
- adjust_displaced(old, diff);
- undisplace(old);
- switch (type_of(old)) {
- case t_array:
- case t_vector:
- case t_bitvector:
- old->a = new->a;
- break;
- case t_string:
- old->st = new->st;
- break;
- default:
- goto CANNOT;
- }
- old->a.a_displaced = displaced;
- vs_pop;
- vs_pop;
- return;
- FEerror("Cannot replace the array ~S~%\
- by the array ~S.", 2, old, new);
- }
- siLaset_by_cursor()
- {
- object *base = vs_base;
- object x;
- check_arg(3);
- vs_base = vs_top;
- vs_push(base[0]);
- for (x = base[2]; !endp(x); x = MMcdr(x))
- vs_push(MMcar(x));
- vs_push(base[1]);
- siLaset();
- }
- init_array_function()
- {
- make_constant("ARRAY-RANK-LIMIT", make_fixnum(ARANKLIM));
- make_constant("ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT", make_fixnum(ADIMLIM));
- make_constant("ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT", make_fixnum(ATOTLIM));
- make_si_function("MAKE-PURE-ARRAY", siLmake_pure_array);
- make_si_function("MAKE-VECTOR", siLmake_vector);
- make_function("AREF", Laref);
- make_si_function("ASET", siLaset);
- make_function("ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE", Larray_element_type);
- make_function("ARRAY-RANK", Larray_rank);
- make_function("ARRAY-DIMENSION", Larray_dimension);
- make_function("ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE", Larray_total_size);
- make_function("ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P", Ladjustable_array_p);
- make_si_function("DISPLACED-ARRAY-P", siLdisplaced_array_p);
- make_function("SVREF", Lsvref);
- make_si_function("SVSET", siLsvset);
- make_function("ARRAY-HAS-FILL-POINTER-P",
- Larray_has_fill_pointer_p);
- make_function("FILL-POINTER", Lfill_pointer);
- make_si_function("FILL-POINTER-SET", siLfill_pointer_set);
- make_si_function("REPLACE-ARRAY", siLreplace_array);
- make_si_function("ASET-BY-CURSOR", siLaset_by_cursor);
- }